Welcome to ExPetrum wiki!

Minecraft... It's a fantasy game at it's core. We have dragons. Potions. Enchantments. Creepers. And many more things. But what if? What if the game was made as if it was a simulation of real life? What if minecraft was realistic? What if you needed devices and contraptions based on real life to smelt your first piece of iron instead of the "universal furnace"? Ex Petrum is here exactly for that. It amis to make minecraft realistic to the extreme. Trees need an axe to chop and actually fall. Seasons change the way you look at the game forever. Smelting metals is a difficult task requiring real-life based contraptions. Water is finite. And so much more. At the same time Ex Petrum aims to provide a challenging yet non-tedious approach to progression. Traverse ages. Invent. Build. Create. From knapping stone tools to smelting steel in a blast furnace - this mod will keep you engaged and interested. And all this is just a beginning... Think of this as a new way to play the game. A way that our ancestors did things back in the days. ExPetrum takes inspiration from real life and the way things were done by ancient people.

As stated in the description ExPetrum aims to make the game as realistic as possible while maintaining an enjoyable progression system. In ExPetrum you will start as a cave man scavenging for food and water. As you explore the world you will find rocks that you can use to create your first brittle yet effective stone tools. Finding ores isn't as challenging as in similar mods as there are surface hints. Then you will use ceramics to smelt your first copper. Fast-forward a bit and you'll be making first bronze alloys in a crucible and smithing them into tools at an anvil. Then using a bloomery you will create your first iron. With that iron you will be able to create first devices using rotary power to do work. Then you will use that rotary power to make steel in your own blast furnace. The best part? All that is already implemented and done! It is no mere concept. Everything is accurate and realistic. Alloy compositions. Melting temperatures. Food spoiling. Metal properties. And much more.

ExPetrum is a modern minecraft mod following good practices. It means that it is open-source! All of ExPetrum's source code is available here at my github page. Feel free to contribute! ExPetrum is not a coremod and follows forge guidelines so you can safely learn anything you want from it's code!